A famous author once said – There are some paths we choose and some that are chosen for us and with age we realise one […]
Tag: summer
Gunda nu athaanu ( Clam berry pickle )
Pickles! Although prepared world-wide, but Indian pickle are one of its kind. Right? And what are Indian pickles? Does someone really have complete knowledge? We […]
Vidarbha Fanas masala (Vidarbha style jackfruit curry)
Summers approach and the fruity smell of mangoes, melon, lychee etc linger around you enhanced by the smoldering heat. Well, how interesting it is that […]
Saragva nu rassa walu shaak (Drumstick curry)
Some vegetables although all rounders are usually lost playing the role of supporting characters, or may be that’s the exact reason. But when they get […]
Karela bhel (Bitter gourd chaat)
Some ingredients cannot be fought over. Who would like to fight over whether karela (bitter gourd) is great to eat, let alone it being demanded […]
Chaulai paan nu shaak (Amaranth leaves stir fry)
This vegetable has a very sweet anecdote associated with it, it all starts in my school days where sharing our tiffin boxes and playing basketball […]